Week at a Glance Nov 18 - 22

Week at a Glance November 18 - 22
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. - Lao Tzu
Sign up for Archery Club @noon in the multi purpose room
Grade 9 boys Basketball Tryouts 7 am High School
***Must fill out Code of Conduct form and parental form before trying out***
Green Certificate Ag Safety Course
Grade 9 boys Basketball Tryouts 7 am High School
Teacher Talk @ noon in multipurpose Room come eat free cereal and listen to "One foot in front of the other" by Mrs. Barb Salmon
Parent Council Meeting @ 8pm
Friday 1
Boys Varsity Volley Ball Zones
Boys Varsity Volley Ball Zones
***Grad Photo DEC 3, 4 & 5 sign up in the office to book your appointment and every grad 12 must sign up****