PO Box 2790 (145-4th Avenue West)
Cardston , AB T0K 0K0
Phone: 403-653-4951
Fax: 403-653-1023
Week at a Glance
Oct. 9 - Oct. 14
Fri, Oct. 6 |
No School Volleyball: Grade 9 Boys & Girls Jamboree 12:00 pm Football: Catholic Central @ CHS 7:00 pm |
Mon, Oct. 9 |
Thanksgiving - No School |
Tue, Oct. 10 |
Spirit Week: Ken & Barbie Dress Up Day Girls Volleyball: St. Mary’s @ CHS 6:00 pm |
Wed, Oct. 11 |
Spirit Week: Senior Citizens Day (Discount at the Kitchen for those that dress up) Cross Country Zones @ Pincher Creek Social Media Parent Presentation in Magrath (High School theatre) Info Here |
Thur, Oct. 12 |
Spirit Week: Bring your Tractor/Farmer Day Social Media Assembly - NO FLEX; assembly starts at 10:30 INFO HERE Band Retreat |
Fri, Oct. 13 |
Spirit Week: Extreme Blue & White Day Band Retreat School Dance: 9:00-12:00 Volleyball:
Football: Willow Creek @ CHS 7:00 pm |
Sat, Oct. 14 |
Important Notes
Upcoming Events
University of Lethbridge https://www.ulethbridge.ca/future-student/fall-open-house
PO Box 2790 (145-4th Avenue West)
Cardston , AB T0K 0K0
Phone: 403-653-4951
Fax: 403-653-1023