Calling all CHS Alumni...
The Alumni Basketball Tournament will be held on Nov. 24/25 (American Thanksgiving weekend). The fee is $50 to play, including a pass for your family (spouse and kids). There will be a players room with food, drinks, and snacks for the players and their spouses only.
Registration deadline is November 10th, but please register as soon as you can. We will do our best to keep graduating years together, but recognize that this can be challenging. Late registrations will be put wherever we need players. If registration fees are not paid by Thursday, November 23, you will not be eligible to play.
We are finding it increasingly difficult to find referees for this tournament, due to poor treatment of officials by alumni players. We ask that you treat all officials with dignity and respect. If you are willing to referee a game, we will DROP your registration fee. Please contact Cody Toone at CHS if you are interested in reffing a game.
Alumni is a great way to catch up with old teammates and support your old program simultaneously, as this is a significant fundraiser for our athletic programs. We appreciate all of your support and look forward to a fun weekend of basketball.You can register by clicking the link below and filling out the form or by calling the school and providing your information.
Fees and donations can be paid by E-Transfer to with a message that it is for Alumni, or contact the school to make other arrangements at 403-653-4951.