Oct 5 - Oct 10 at CHS
One month in the books! Well done students and staff. This was a very different start to a school year. We are grateful for everyone that is taking serious the masking and distancing protocols at school and at sporting events. Overall we've been pretty unified as a school. Awesome job.
Congratulations to our golfers. They did a wonderful job at the tournament in Magrath.
Here is a brief look at what's happening next week at CHS.
Monday Oct 5:
- Regular School Day
Tuesday Oct 6:
- Regular school day
- Tickets are needed for all of the following games:
- Gr 9 Girls Volleyball CHS @ MHS 4:00 PM
- Gr 9 Boys Volleyball CHS @ RJHS 4:00 PM
- JV Girls Volleyball CHS @ MHS 6:00 PM
- SV Girls Volleyball MHS @ CHS 6:00 PM
- We believe we will have everything worked out so we can stream the Varsity Girls Volleyball game. Look for the link to the YouTube feed on our school website.
Wednesday Oct 7:
- Regular school day
- Tickets are needed for the following volleyball games:
- JV Boys Volleyball MHS @ CHS 6:00 PM
- SV Boys Volleyball MHS @ CHS 7:30 PM (or after the JV game)
- Grade 9 Cross Country Divisional Meet.
- Grade 9 Girls at 11:05
- Grade 9 Boys at 11:30
- Information was posted earlier and a flyer can be picked up in the office. Grade 9 students wishing to run need to sign up in the office by lunch on Tuesday.
Thursday Oct 8:
- Regular school day
Friday Oct 9: No school. Wellness Day.
Don't for get that there is also no school Monday Oct 12.